Saturday, September 18, 2010

wink wink***

You magnify my happiness When I am feeling glad...You help to heal my injured heart Whenever I am sad. You're such a pleasure in my life I hope that you can see How meaningful ur friendship is You're a total joy to me.......


____0000000000______0000000000_____ __000________000__000________000___ _000___________0000___________000__ 000_____________00_____________000_ 000____________________________000_ 000___________THANKS__________00_ _000____________FOR___________000__ __000__________BEING_________000___ ___000__________MY_________000____ _____000______FRIEND______000______ _______000______________000________ _________000__________000__________ ____________000____000_____________ ______________000000_______________
Ps...:..oww the Love abit out of shape haha Sorry...but still look nice..... =)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Do not believe ........

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

With 6 billion people on earth, there’s plenty to be said and plenty to be heard. Yes, do not believe in anything simply because someone’s saying it and you happen to hear it. Don’t be afraid to question and seek your own answers and truth..